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NEW! Summer in Japan Easy Sew Pattern
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Who says fashion sewing has to be difficult? This pattern is easy enough for the first time sewer or a perfect project when you want to sew but only have...
If you can make a dress, your can make a horse!
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Be brave! Make a Miskoswen Horse for play or display. The pattern has detailed instructions and there is a step by step video instruction set found on the Alexis O'Shay...
Get Via E Dollfriend® Discounts!
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Discount Rewards for Excellent Work Via Education was designed as a reward system. Girls can send in their work that received an A or equivalent grade and we will send them...
Via E ColorSew(TM) is Coming!
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Have you ever wished you could sew? Do you find sewing frustrating? Want to teach sewing to your daughter, granddaughter, your Girl Scout or other girl's group? Perhaps you have a...
More Limited Edition Clothing
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Elena's Limited Edition clothing has been a big hit! Originally the limited edition collection was to provide each Elena pre-order family to purchase the meet outfit design they voted for...
Our New Playground is Open
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Welcome to the new Via E website! I'm super excited to have a new playground where we can play and shop together. Please take a look around! Our feature photo was sent...
Showing items 1-6 of 6.