Natural Dollfriend® After Water Care - Mold Prevention and Treatment
Designer: Via E
Water play is fun. Just like real girls your Dollfriend® needs care after playing in water in order to keep her healthy. Natural Dollfriend® After Water Care solution is made with white vinegar, grapefruit seed extract and a touch of Brazilian Acai berry sent. It is non-toxic and an effective treatment to prevent or cure mold or rust. Simply insert the nozzle between your Dollfriend's® joints and head and gently shake to coat the insides of your Dollfriend®. Leave the solution in for 6 to 8 hours and then remove and dry using the normal after water play drying instructions. If your Dollfriend® plays a lot in water, this treatment should be done monthly or when there is suspicion of mold or rust in the interior of your Dollfriend®. This solution is an effective treatment and preventative measure to protect your Dollfriend®. Applying this treatment is required to keep your MyKare warranty active.